The Scales of

Something that was, is, and is not. A ripple in fate itself that bore a name.


NAME Hazel Valerio Valentine
AGE 28
LANGUAGE(S) Hingan, Eorzean Common
RACE Hyur (Midlander)
GENDER cis male (He | Him)
VOICE CLAIM Toji Fushiguro - JJK
ORIENTATION Bisexual (Heavy Male Lean)
FAMILY Greedance Valentine (Mother), Yahiko Hasegawa (Father -Dead)
OCCUPATION Yazkua Member
RESIDENCE: Shirognane
ALIGNMENT Lawful Neutral
LIKES Sake, Men, Money, Hunting, Intelligence, Bloodlust
DISLIKES Deep water, ignorance, etc.


EYE COLOR pale gold
HAIR COLOR black (naturally red)
RACIAL FEATURES Miqote like eye slits when angered.
MARKINGS Irezumi Markings along body.
HEIGHT 6 films 4ilm
WEIGHT 218 Ponze
BUILD Athletic
AETHERIC SIGNATURE A mix of fire and levin.




  • Salem is a very brash person, known to always speak his mind even if he hurts the feelings of those around him.

  • For a man of his nature, he can be very promiscuous, and flirtatious with those around him.

  • He is very aloof, and tends to be quiet lazy at times.

  • Loves a challenge.



  • Stong Resolve

  • Knowledgeable in many forms of the arcane ranging from Western Aetherology to Eastern Occult Magics.

  • Calculating.

  • Well-Dressed.


  • Lazy.

  • Slightly Alcoholic.

  • Lighweight.

  • Unbiased.

  • Unfiltered.


  • Hedonistic

  • Abrasive.

  • Aggressive.

  • Substance Abuser.

  • Murderer.

  • Cold to many, warm to a select few.

I am open and available for any story plotting. I personally favor Long-Term stories, and any idea listed doesn't have to be the start to an RP, feel free to message me about any potential ideas and plotting.


  • Salem is known to take on the faces of his imagination and assume completely different lives. From a Thavnarian dancer, to Gridanian Herbalist. None of these faces and forms have an impact on his life, meerly an escape from his duties in the east.

  • Salem is a highly-trained mercenary of many talents. From political assassination, to kidnappings, torture, and a litany of things that range in cost. But, nothing is free, especially being silent, or silencing another.

  • Salem has inheritied both the ancient Hasegawa clan Kenjutsu, and through past acquaintances, the Heaven-culling technique. He is willing to pass on both to those that are worthy of learning.


  • The former Yakuza Lord has a high bounty set on his name, ranging in the hundred-thousands of Koban...

  • He has been rumored to challenge swordsman and take their blades upon their defeat

  • A myriad of rumors of one-night stands, some true, some not.

  • Is known to conduct in the trade of exotic beasts, selling them for profit.

  • "The Ouroboros." (DM for Explanation)


The bastard son of a Gyr Abanian Noblewoman and a Yanxian man, Salem has spent most of his life wondering how and why he was given life. Most have goals, aspirations, and plans for their lives, but for the man with the blood of both mortal and auspice, he was unsure of where or when his time would come.From an early age, The man has lived by one mantra,"The child who cannot gain comfort from his village will burn it down for warmth."Under a long set of circumstances, Salem travels the world doing as he pleases with little care for a career or family. His pleasures are found in adventure; exploring the unknown, the taboo, and embracing the underworlds around him where most would cower. On top of this, he handles the weight of his newfound purpose and the light casted upon him that works against his nature.


After a long string of poor circumstances, Salem has found himself in the New World of Tural, separated from both his yakuza family, and partner. Yet as he navigates the new climates of Tural, old faces make their return....


Scroll to see more...

Kaien Shinjiro.

Bonded Partner

An enigmatic monk and a drunk who was the first and only to make Salem truly submit to the idea of one person having his heart (until he consumed Kaien's.)

Lunae Lux-Kaneshiro.

Mentor - Sister

From the words of Salem:
"Somedays I think about killing her, somedays I wonder if she's okay. She's a bitch, but so am I and I love 'er"
Insert Doman Silence

Cassidy Ironclaw

Brother by Family

A man that gained Salem's respect and adoration, a rare find. Cassidy and Salem have shared time within their family enough to share and trust each other with the title of "Wakagahshira".


Nsfw Gallery - Constant Wip

LOCATION Crystal | Balmung


  • If it wasn't apparent already, this is a character that does take part in mature themesHowever, none of these will occur with any character and/or writer that is not over the age of 18.

  • If you wish to discuss any potential interactions, I am free to talk. I have a /c/ for what I am okay and not okay writing upon request.

  • While Salem the character may be flirtatious, or even a whore at times, there is a very strong barrier between IC and OOC.

RP Limits

What is okay

  • Erotic Roleplay (ERP)

  • Mature Roleplay (MRP)

  • One-offs / One-night stands

  • Darker stories (DRP) (with discussion)

  • OOC discussion of any story or roleplay

  • OOC friends. (100% Welcome)

What is Not Okay

  • IC-OOC Bleeding

  • Drama

  • Overall Bullshit

  • Meta/Powergaming

  • Godmodding

  • A lack of Communication.

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